How To Buzz A Trumpet Mouthpiece
In this video we talk about how to buzz a trumpet mouthpiece for beginners.
Mouthpiece buzzing can be tricky but it doesn't have to be. I try to lay out the steps for you here.
Before you attempt to buzz into a trumpet you first need to learn how to control your breath.
I always recommend doing this first with the instrument God gave you which is your body.
After you can blow steady and accurate wind then you're ready for your first attempt to buzz the trumpet mouthpiece. I recommend that you start blowing through the mouthpiece with a proper embouchure set and then gradually increase wind velocity until a buzz in the mouthpiece is achieved. I say this because it is easy to try too hard then overblow.
It is possible to get a buzz from overblowing but that is not the type of results we are going for. Once you learn how to buzz a trumpet mouthpiece, as exciting as it may be, it is important to only buzz for a few minutes at a time then walk away.
Again, we don't want to over do it. Here is another tip for you that I didn't mention in the video, don't think about how to buzz your lips for trumpet playing but instead focus on moving wind through the lips as demonstrated in the video and the lips will vibrate as a byproduct of moving wind (especially after the mouthpiece is brought to the lips}. I hope that this video and these written tips can demystify mouthpiece buzzing for you.