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This Simple Technique is Easily Overlooked and Can Work Wonders For Your Trumpet Playing

This Simple Technique is Easily Overlooked and Can Work Wonders For Your Trumpet Playing

trumpet techniques
Today's Story: Learning from Talking Back
Today, I would like to share a story with you about the one time I talked back to my mother. Yes, it was only once, and if you pay attention to my story, you might just become a better trumpet player for it. You'll see why shortly.
Understanding the Journey: A Young Mother's Challenge
My mom and dad married young, and my mom gave birth to me when she was twenty years old. As a man with four children myself, I now understand how challenging it is to raise children. In addition to the challenge of raising children, my mom also had a full-time day job at Goldman Sachs. I can only imagine the pressure of doing a good job at work as a young twenty-something and then coming home to take care of your family. That can be a lot of pressure.
The Breaking Point: A Lesson in Communication
So, what is a parent to do when their children are slow to respond to instruction? There are a lot of options here. My mom is a patient mom now, but she would raise her voice at us. Gradually, I noticed that she was doing this more frequently, and it didn't make me feel good. So one day, after she raised her voice at me, I finally did it. I talked back to my mother. I wasn't mean about it. I didn't even raise my voice. I actually said it so softly that she couldn't understand me. So she asked me to repeat myself. That's when I told her...
The Turning Point: Softening Hearts
"Yelling at us isn't going to make things better." At the time, I had no idea, but Proverbs 15:1 was in full effect. That moment changed my mother's heart forever. In that moment, her heart was softened. From that moment on, we had the best relationship. By the way, I was in elementary school when that happened.
Trumpet Lessons: The Power of Softness
Do you see the lesson here and how it may apply to your trumpet playing? A soft answer eliminated the tension in the relationship. Playing softly on the trumpet can also eliminate tension. It happens all too often.
Audience Engagement: The Art of Playing Softly
A student will tell me of their struggle to (fill in the blank). After weeks of not being able to do a thing, playing softly leads them to get over the hump. Two of the main challenges on the trumpet include low endurance and a limited range. Playing softly can help solve both of those issues.
Captivating the Crowd: The Magic of Soft Performance
Once upon a time, I watched a crowd at a local jazz club totally ignore the musicians on stage all night long. So the band played louder, which led the audience to talk louder. Until my friend Sean Johnson got on stage and played a solo at pianissimo. What happened next amazed me, and I had never witnessed anything like it before or since...
The Benefits of Soft Practice: A Trumpet Player's Guide
The entire audience shut up and listened... then applauded. Playing softly can draw an audience into your world. If you make soft practice a regular part of your routine, then you will reap multiple benefits, including:
- Focused tone
- Increased control
- Improved endurance
- Easier upper register
- Greater wind control
Your Trumpet Journey: Begin with Soft Practice
Look at your Clarke Technical studies book and notice the dynamics written. They are soft dynamics. That is because the virtuosic trumpeters of the day knew this to be effective. Beginning today, practice your routine at a soft dynamic. It's harder to execute than you would think, but the benefits are so rewarding. Whatever your technical goals are, playing softly may be a great way to help you achieve them.
Have a fantastic practice session today, and I'll speak with you soon.
P.S. Don't forget to watch this video about how to improve your endurance on the trumpet. Keep up the great work! 🎺🎡