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What's the Deal with Your Trumpet Sound?

buzzing trumpet sound

Here Are Two Simple Ways To Improve Your Trumpet Sound.  Don't Sleep On These Tips.

The video provides tips on improving sound as a trumpet player, including listening to recordings, developing sound fundamentals through exercises like long tones, lip slurs, and articulation studies, and trying the Buzzing Solution course. Viewers are invited to participate in the Buzzing Challenge to find their best sound.


1. Consider what you want to sound like and listen to recordings to develop a better sound.

2. Practice sound fundamentals through exercises like long tones, lip slurs, and articulation studies.

3. Try the Buzzing Solution course and participate in the Buzzing Challenge to find your best sound.




Hi, trumpet player. What is going on with your sound? Do you know? Have you thought about it? Do you listen to your sound? If you're a trumpet player who desires to improve in their sound, watch this video.

So I have a question for you. What causes a bad sound? Have you ever considered that there are few things that can cause the bad sound sound. And if you understand what can cause a bad sound, then you have the beginnings on developing a better sound or a good sound.

Now, it's possible you have a good sound already and you just desire to improve on it. So either way, I'm going to help you right now. I'm going to give you a couple of things to think about. The first is to simply consider what it is you want to sound like so you might have a bad sound.

If indeed you do, you might have a bad sound if you're not thinking about what you want to sound like. When I was in high school, one of my peers who was a senior always asked me and everyone else around, how do I sound?

How did that sound? What do you think about the sound? And it kind of got annoying because he would literally ask us every few seconds, I wish I was making this up a couple of times, at least a couple of times per minute.

He would ask the question, how did I sound? How do I sound? But that got me thinking about sound. Okay? About the same time, I had a teacher who said something very simple. Very simple, very simple. He said, if you don't sound good, nobody's going to want to listen to you.

I thought about it and I said, of course they won't. But then I thought about it again. It's like, oh, man. I never considered that before. So just simply thinking about what you want to sound like can do a world of good for you.

Okay, so how do you go about changing your mind so that a good sound can come out of your bell? One simple thing you can do is listen to recordings. When I was younger, I used to walk to a store, Best Buy.

Actually, I used to walk to Best Buy. Best Buy was one of the main stores I would walk to to buy my CDs. And I don't even remember where I used to get money from because at the time, I really wasn't working a job.

But somehow I used to get money, and I would spend my money on new CDs, and I would enjoy the journey of listening to Dizzy Gillespie and then hearing a saxophone player that I liked and not knowing who that was.

So I would read the liner notes, find out it's Sonny Stit. Who is Sonny Stitt? Guess what I did? I walked back to Best Buy to find some Sonny Stit recordings, and I kept going down that rabbit hole, and I really enjoyed the journey.

And I heard Miles Davis. Then I heard another trumpet player called, or actually coronette player called Nat Adderly. And I thought that was Miles Davis. But I heard little subtle changes, and it wasn't Miles, it was Nat.

And then I learned who Nat Adderly and Cannonball Adderly was. And so all that to say, it can be fun to go on that journey. And you should go on the journey. That's how you can develop a better sound. And so you get that sound in your mind's ear and you meditate on it.

Literally, you just meditate on that sound. While you're practicing. You think about the sound you want to produce. And eventually it will come out of your bail just like that. All right? So listen to a lot of recordings.

Of course, today we have the internet. You don't have to walk to Best Buy like I did. Okay? Now, that's the mental side of it. There's a second part equally as important. It's the physical side. So after you consider what you want to sound like, there's a physical part.

So you need to develop sound fundamentals. Why? Simple, get your body in shape for playing trumpet. That's what it is. So fundamentals, plural, not one thing. Many things that work together for trumpet players.

For us, it's lone tones, it's lip slurs, it's articulation studies, it's sight reading. That's a mental exercise more than anything. But you're practicing, staying poised so that when you see new music, you don't freak out and lose the good fundamentals that you worked up.

Alright? So developing sound fundamentals is a big part of it. Now, for me, something that helped me develop good form was actually buzzing. Buzzing helped me. That was something that helped me develop good form.

I know there are a lot of people who are strongly opposed to buzzing. I'm not. I see the benefits of it. I also understand why people don't like it and are strongly opposed to it. But I believe if you do it correctly, there are so many great benefits from buzzing, and you should do it, in my opinion.

Okay? I could go on and on and on and on about buzzing. I'm not going to do that in this video, but I will in my new course. It's called the Buzzing Solution, and I want to introduce it to you right now.

So in a few days not yet, but in a few days, the Buzzing Solution is going to become available to you. In the Buzzing Solution, I'm going to teach you four different types of buzzing and the benefits of each type.

Yes, there are four different types of buzzing. They different function, and you practice them at different times based on your personal needs, based on your personal goals, based on what you want to accomplish.

So one problem is that people buzz blindly without a certain goal in mind, or they don't know why they're practicing what they're practicing. For that reason, they don't see progress, they don't see good results, and they sound the same at best, or worse than before.

So in the Buzzing Solution, I'm going to introduce to you three different or did I say four? Four different types of buzzing and the benefits of each type. Okay? Now to the people who come, to the people who purchase the Buzzing Solution, you're going to be eligible to attend the Buzzing Challenge.

I'm excited about this. I'm bringing back the Buzzing Challenge, and this is where you'll be able to find your best sound. The simple way. The Buzzing Challenge is going to happen the week of July 24th, and you're going to have the benefit of learning with the community of trumpet players who purchased the Buzzing Solution, all right?

We're all going to be there together. They're going to be daily challenges. You're going to have live Q and A sessions with me, and you're going to also have lifetime access to the Buzzing Solution, alright?

So that's going to be wonderful. Let me get back over here with you. I'm back, you're going to have lifetime access to the buzzing solution. All right. There we go. So these are the two things I wanted to put on your mind today.

Buy the buzzing solution. It's going to be very affordable because I don't want you to miss out on it. And then that's going to give you access to participate in the Buzzing Challenge the week of July 24.

Alright. I'm excited to see you there. Go ahead and buy the Buzzing Solution when it becomes available next week or so, watch your inbox. I'm going to let you know, and I'll see you then. Take care.

God bless you.