Download Your Free Guide To Master Endurance On Trumpet

"Trumpet Playing Can Be A Lot Easier!"

This Simple 3-Step Process Will Improve Your Sound buzzing intermediate trumpet techniques


Your trumpet sound is the audible manifestation of your soul. So I have a question for you. How much attention are you giving your trumpet sound?

It's very easy to overlook your sound. Most players do because we're very attracted to the fast notes and the high notes and everything in...

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What's the Deal with Your Trumpet Sound? buzzing trumpet sound

Here Are Two Simple Ways To Improve Your Trumpet Sound.  Don't Sleep On These Tips.

The video provides tips on improving sound as a trumpet player, including listening to recordings, developing sound fundamentals through exercises like long tones, lip slurs, and articulation studies, and...

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How To Buzz A Trumpet Mouthpiece buzzing

In this video we talk about how to buzz a trumpet mouthpiece for beginners.

Mouthpiece buzzing can be tricky but it doesn't have to be. I try to lay out the steps for you here.

Before you attempt to buzz into a trumpet you first need to learn how to control your breath.

I always recommend...

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